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Amber's Organics LLC Medical Herb Seed A-Z > Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

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Price: $2.99
Availability: in stock

Feverfew Seeds
Organic : (Tanacetum parthenium



Lacy dark green leaves surround tiny white flowers that resemble double daisies. Used in the control of migraines and the pain of arthritis, psoriasis and tension. Pretty cut flower as well.

  • Perennial

  • Medicinal

  • Full sun

  • plant height: 1-1/2 to 3ft.

    50 seeds/pkt

---Medicinal Action and Uses---Aperient, carminative, bitter. As a stimulant it is usefulas an emmenagogue. Is also employed in hysterical complaints, nervousness and lowness of spirits, and is a general tonic. The cold infusion is made from 1 OZ. of the herb to a pint of boiling water, allowed to cool, and taken frequently in doses of half a teacupful.

A decoction with sugar or honey is said to be good for coughs, wheezing and difficult breathing. The herb, bruised and heated, or fried with a little wine and oil, has been employed as a warm external application for wind and colic.

A tincture made from Feverfew and applied locally immediately relieves the pain and swelling caused by bites of insects and vermin. It is said that if two teaspoonfuls of tincture are mixed with 1/2 pint of cold water, and all parts of the body likely to be exposed to the bites of insects are freely sponged with it, they will remain unassailable. A tincture of the leaves of the true Chamomile and of the German Chamomile will have the same effect.

Planted round dwellings, it is said to purify the atmosphere and ward off disease.

An infusion of the flowers, made with boiling water and allowed to become cold, will allay any distressing sensitiveness to pain in a highly nervous subject, and will afford relief to the face-ache or earache of a dyspeptic or rheumatic person.