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Welcome to the AO Tea Bar! Organic Clinical Herbalism Created Tea, Decoctions & Tisanes. > New! Organic Orange PeKoe Tea - Morning, Breakfast, Teatime, Delicious,Fruit + Floral Tea + Orange Topping.
New! Organic Orange PeKoe Tea - Morning, Breakfast, Teatime, Delicious,Fruit + Floral Tea + Orange Topping.

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Price: $8.00
Availability: in stock

Absolutely delicious! A highly fragrant tea, with strong floral and fruity aromas. But there’s no orange flavor here, however, I added a topping of sweet dried oranges to lift the blend, this really sends out the flavours. Pekoe is actually a name that tea growers use to designate black tea leaves that are very small, hardly even more than a small bud! Where the word Orange came from, we’re not sure, either way I have no doubt you will adore this version of the tea, it is nothing like the shop brought versions, this is the best on the market, or so many who have tried and tested, think. This is a very flavorful blend of longwise-rolled black teas that produces a lovely amber brew. Delicious with any kind of milk.