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Fans of Amber's Organics. > All the way from the UK.
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All the way from the UK.

All the way from the UK.

This dashing chap rolled in from the UK with some major skin issues and in need of urgent help. He had excessive sun damage from long term exposure to the sun and blistering elements in the UK. He works out doors all day and used no sun protection, tut, tut. I gave him the DMAE cream to start, one week later we are astonished at the amazing results (pictured) Lessening of deep wrinkles, softer, smoother appearance, much less darkening of skin, just basically a healthier complexion in just one week of twice day application. I asked him to follow on with the Easter C cream and Calendula under eyes butter for the deep crows feet. He returned home to the UK and has ordered several jars since. He is now looking good! "I look younger, I shall have all the ladies after me now" C.D Plant Center UK