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Fans of Amber's Organics. > Drew, Jett and Beatrix
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Drew, Jett and Beatrix

Drew, Jett and Beatrix

"Thank you amber for the time and effort you have made to make your products. I was very ill this year, it caused severe hair loss after I had a thick and healthy amount of hair. I decided to try your shampoo and conditioner, the "HERBAL CLEANSE SHAMPOO AND THE ORGANIC MOISTURIZING TONIC- ARUYVEDA SPICY SCALP TREATMENT/ CONDITIONER/GROWTH. First, I have naturally curly hair and it's frizzy so, I have to dry, curl and straighten it, but after using this conditioner once, I just couldn't believe how soft and UNfrizzy it was drying so I could just let it dry and be natural. THANK YOU! Secondly, I have noticed that my hair is not falling out anymore. That is a huge deal. Two thirds of my hair's thickness was gone. Now I know it has ceased and will start to grow back. It's a process, but very worth it. Both my fiancee" and I continue to use the Organic Light Locks Hair Jelly after we condition and will never go back to any other products. Most of what we have used causes me allergies. My two German Shepherds say thank you for all the calendula products this year for their allergies, dry skin and staph infections. The calendula soaps, salves, tonics -- have given them a playful and peaceful personality back after trying steroids and antibiotics. I am sincerely grateful" I have used your products for a couple years for my dogs. Both Shepherds have healed with the calendula soaps, the "heal me calendula" infused herbal salve and the mullein for their skin allergies and staph infections. " - Drew Kittell, Jett and Beatrix