CALENDULA.- 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Calendula. Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Capabilities. Calms Muscle Spasms. Heals Ulcers, Wounds & Hemorrhoids. Aids Menstruation. Contains Antimicrobial & Antiviral Components. Improves Oral Health.Discourages Cancer.
CHAMOMILE.- Chamomile tea is known for reducing anxiety and helping people fall sleep. It's also used to calm an upset stomach and other digestive issues.
SUNFLOWER.- A tea made from the leaves is astringent, diuretic and expectorant, it is used in the treatment of high fevers. A tea made from the flowers is used in the treatment of malaria and lung ailments. The flowering head and seeds are febrifuge, nutritive and stomachic.
CHRYSANTHENUM - Chrysanthemum is used to treat chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fever, cold, headache, dizziness, and swelling.
A pleasing, pleasant and comforting tea which holds great healing in these golden petals of nutritious wonder.