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The Medicine Cabinet. > Organic Devils Claw Whipped Ointment - Arthritis, rheumatism, myalgia, back pain
Organic Devils Claw Whipped Ointment - Arthritis, rheumatism, myalgia, back pain

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Price: $9.00
Availability: in stock

Organic Devils Claw Whipped Ointment - Arthritis, rheumatism, myalgia, back pain.

The root of the devil’s claw has been widely used in popular medicine thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and the German Ministry of Health has approved its effectiveness against arthritis, among other painful joint conditions.

These properties, which have traditionally been associated with it, have been scientifically demonstrated through studies on back pain and bone and joint pain in the hips and knees.

Devil's claw was introduced to Europe in the early 1900s, where the dried roots have been used to restore appetite, relieve heartburn, and reduce pain and inflammation. Today, devil's claw is used widely in Germany and France to fight inflammation or relieve arthritis pain, headache, and low back pain

Organic devils claw, virgin olive oil, beeswax, natural preservatives, aloe, coconut, jojoba oil, Emulsifying wax.