Chaparral leaf is used for skin cancer, moles, warts, athlete's foot, candida, eczema, tumors, skin cleanser, skin tags, rash, skin diseases, keratosis, herpes, scabies, arthritic pains, protects the skin from harmful UV rays, sun cancer, sun poison and other skin cell damage.
Chaparral has potent and long-lasting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in the treatment of arthritis. Chaparral herb should only be externally. Applied to the skin, chaparral can have a remarkable healing effect on eczema, herpes, cold sores, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis.
Chaparral is known as a blood cleanser, an antioxidant, antiviral and antibiotic agent, and is used for infections, skin problems, and auto-immune diseases such as arthritis. It is currently under research as a chemotherapeutic agent for cancer, and shows promise. The action of the components in the plant may slow tumor growth by inhibiting aerobic combustion in mitochondria. Because of the bacteriostatic action of creosote bush, and its antioxidant properties, the tea applied externally is beneficial for wounds and skin irritations.