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The Medicine Cabinet. > Organic St Johns Wort + Helichrysum "All in 1 " Health Salve.
Organic St Johns Wort + Helichrysum "All in 1 " Health Salve.

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Price: $10.00

This healing salve is much sought after for it's ability to support the healing of nerve inflammation and pain in the body such as that suffered from shingles and sciatica. Also, it has proven beneficial in decreasing swellings, varicose veins, inflammation, nerve pain, neuralgia, minor wounds, sprains, bruises, arthritis, sore muscles and aches. Frequently used as a breast massage oil especially after radiation treatments.

St. John's Wort has been used historically to heal damaged skin, damaging effects of the sun or other skin conditions, it is also used for healing minor scrapes and bruises, St. John's Wort is also used for healing trauma to the nerves, including shingles and neuropathies.  Please do not use any salve on deep wounds, these are for light topical use only and not serious deep seated infection or wounds.

The healing properties of the St. John's Wort are quite outstanding and a jar of St Johns Wort salve should be included in every herbal medical kit.

This best stored in a cool, dry place as there are no additives or preservatives beyond the beeswax  and vitamin E.

For external use only


Organic solar & lunar infused St john’s Wort, Helichrysum virgin coconut oil, local beeswax.