Chrysanthemum, Shungiku Edible Chrysanthemum coronarium
3-4 ft. Hardy Annual
Shunkiku, Garland Chrysanthemum, is an edible flower. The leaves and flower petals are edible. the plant will self seed in your garden and provide food through three seasons.
This is a cultivated strain originally from China. The large, bright yellow flowers and the young green plant are delicious as a steamed vegetable.. Shungiku is high in vitamins and very good for alkalinizing the blood.
Also known as the Garland Chrysanthemum or Chop Suey Shungiku. Tender, edible greens have a unique, zesty flavor. Harvest at 4-6 in. for fresh use or braising. Lovely 1-3 in. flowers, used sparingly, make a nice addition to mixed salad greens, or can be sold separately as an edible garnish.