Amber's Organics LLC Newsletter. >
Long time over due, what's new!
Long time over due, what's new!
Mar 19, 2021
Gosh, it has been a while since I wrote. So much going on for all of us I see. I have been so busy with all of the changes COVID has caused. Anyway, things are finally taking shape at least here. I have so many new products to offer this spring. It's a season to get in shape and get that health of yours up to par, no more lingering. I have a new line of health teas which are nutritionally bursting with immune modulating excellence and added to that are a new range of antioxidant skin care treatments to help you look your very best. I have a delicious (not edible!) growing range of soaps and facial washes to cleanse that skin to perfection, keeping things naturally clean always. Also, the new SAGE shack is finally finished, it's gorgeous. It shall be launching within the next few weeks. Feel free to visit either virtually, or physically - just text for an appointment. I have some beautiful clothes, shoes, coats, footwear, and so much more that you must see, for these prices it is a rare find.
So farewell for now as this 1 Women run Biz stands firm despite some rather insurmountable trials, don't forget I am here for you always, working harder than every before on your orders and on improving Amber's Organics. Also, keep up the good work that YOU are doing!